5 practical kitchen backsplash trends: a color consultant’s opinion
SOURCE: Ariyona Interior
Greetings, colorful people! How are you doing on this fine day?
Today I’m discussing kitchen backsplash, and not because I want to. No, I really want to concentrate on color, yet backsplash is important TO the overall color and design scheme of your home. Frankly, we at LFB Color see a lot of money wasted on overdone, mismatched, far too trendy kitchen elements.
Today I will cover 5 trends in kitchen backsplash and tile placement that feel practical, timeless and classic.
1. Backsplash storage: Pulling double duty
SOURCE: eggersman usa
Innovators such as eggersmann USA are pros at both form and function, and this backsplash storage option is sleek, smart, and certainly practical. All of your typically used kitchen staples, cookbooks and spices can be tucked out of sight behind the backsplash. I envision this as the new norm for kitchen design.
2. Glossy tiles are in, but balance them by repeating glossy surfaces elsewhere!
Glossy surfaces seem fresh and modern, and they elevate even neutral colors by magnifying their undertones (due to light reflectivity). Repeat the gloss elsewhere in the room so the backsplash tiles don’t overwhelm and look too bright.
3. Ceiling height backsplash
4. Vertical instead of horizontal tile placement
I’m not an interior designer, remember? Take what I have to say about kitchen design with a proverbial grain of salt. The diagonal and horizontal placement of kitchen backsplash tile has become mundane to me, though, so this horizontal placement is modern, fresh and welcomed! It’s basic, aesthetically pleasing and straightforward.
5. Backsplash as an extension of the counter top
I cannot overemphasize the importance of practical, classic, timeless backsplash choices. You will thank me later. I learned this concept originally during my True Colour Expert training with Maria Killam in 2018 and have followed that advice ever since.
Which of these five trends do you foresee incorporating for your next remodel? Tell me in the comments or send me an email. You know I love hearing from my readers, you color compañeros!
Until next time,
your color purveyor Lauren